The final source of social network data I have actively exploited is from a time recording system. These are going to vary widely between organisations and the one I’ve worked with has been quite fiddly to manipulate so I won’t go into too much detail. What I’d like to describe is how I’ve derived the ‘score’:
- Extract a list of projects
- For each project find the number of people who have booked time to it
- Find every pair of people who have booked time to each project
- From the pair of people take the lowest number of hours booked to the project
- Divide the lowest number of hours (4) by the number of people on the project (2)
The reasoning here is that the number of hours booked to a project by any given person has to be shared-out amongst all the other people in the project. Unlike meetings, where I used minutes as part of the formula here I use hours because working on a project does not imply necessarily spending lots of time interacting.
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